Open Stack

Open Stack

Dashboard and Browsers

Change Tracking
Policy Analysis

Change Management

Change Management
Graphical Policy
Real-time Monitoring
Display IPv6 objects
Create SecureChange ticket from Policy Browser for:
Rule Decommission
Rule Recertification

Policy Analysis

Object Lookup

Auditing and Reporting

Auditing and Reporting

Notes for Open Stack:

  • Real-time monitoring uses device polling.

  • Only these reports are supported: Advanced Change, Object Change, Rule Change, Policy Browser (formerly Rule Documentation).

  • Policy Browser does not include data for the violation, shadowing status, action and last hit columns.

  • For Object Lookup, to see the objects in a VM instance in the search results you must show results for "Objects and Related Groups".

  • Dashboard support does not include Risk and Cleanup.

  • Auditing support does not include PCI DSS, Compliance Policies and Unified Security Policy.