Report Search Fields

A Details Search in the Reports tab the following fields:

  • Ticket ID: The ID number that SecureChange assigned the ticket.

  • Subject: A free text search of the subject the requester entered for the ticket. Use quotes to search for the exact ticket name. For example:

    "Request access".

  • Requester: The user who opened the ticket.

  • Group: The user group that is assigned to this ticket.

  • Assigned to: The user the ticket is currently assigned to.

  • Current step name: The name of a step or task in the workflow that the ticket is at. (For parallel or conditional tasks)

  • Priority: The priority level that the requester assigned to the ticket.

  • Domains: If you enabled Multi-Domain management, you can select the domains to search in.

  • Status: You can select multiple statuses to include in the search.

  • SLA: The Service Level Agreement that the ticket is currently in. You can select multiple SLA levels to include in the search.

  • Search by field:

    • Name is the display name of a field configured in the Fields tab of a workflow step.

    • Value is the value of the field. You can use these operators to build a query: AND, OR (but no more than one use of one of these logical operators), * (wildcard), - (negate), TO (to define a numeric range).

  • Date opened: The date the requester created the ticket.

  • Date last modified: The last time anyone did any action on the ticket.

  • Expiration date: When an Expiration date range is specified, only closed tickets are returned.