Configuring NTP Using Chrony


Chrony is used to maintain synchronization automatically with an NTP (Network time protocol) server.

Chrony does not synchronize the time zone. To configure the time zone manually, see Setting the Time Zone.

Installing and Enabling Chrony

If you are running TufinOS, chrony is installed by default, continue with Configure the Chrony Service.

If you are running RHEL/CentOS, chrony must be installed and enabled first as follows:

  1. Log in to the CLI as user tufin-admin.

  2. Log in as root user:

    sudo su –


    sudo -i

  3. Install chrony:

    yum install chrony

  4. Enable the service:

    systemctl enable chronyd.service

Configure the Chrony Service

  1. Log in to the CLI as user tufin-admin.

  2. Log in as root user:

    sudo su –


    sudo -i

  3. Stop chrony synchronization:

    systemctl stop chronyd.service

  4. In the chrony configuration file /etc/chrony.conf, replace the default servers ( with the NTP server.

  5. Restart the chronyd service:

    systemctl restart chronyd.service

  6. Check time synchronization:

    chronyc sources -v
    chronyc sourcestats -v
    chronyc tracking