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Free Search Predefined Fields
Predefined fields for Free Search are as follows. For details of the correct syntax, see Free Search Syntax Rules.
assignedGroup: The group that the ticket is assigned to.
assignee: The task handler that the ticket is currently assigned to or that can accept the ticket
createdate: The date the request was submitted
closedate: The date that the request was marked as closed, rejected or canceled
currentAssignee: The user name of the user that the ticket is assigned to.
destinationDomain.name: The domain of objects used in the destination of an access request (For Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only)
domain.name: The domain that the ticket was created in (For Multi-Domain Segregated mode only)
- expirationdate: The expiration date set for the ticket
Only closed tickets with unrevoked expiration dates are found.
fielddesc: The description field of a user-defined field in the ticket
fieldname: The name of a user-defined field in the ticket
fieldtype: The type of a user-defined field in the ticket
fieldvalue: A value in a user-defined field in the ticket
handler: All open or closed tickets, where the specified user requested a change to this rule, handled at least one workflow step, or is currently assigned to a ticket step
id: The ticket ID #
priority: One of the following values:
- Critical
- High
- Normal
- Low
referringTo: All open or closed tickets that refer to the ticket ID specified in the search
requester: The user who submitted the request
sdDomain.name: The domain of a Decommission Network Object request (For Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only)
slaoutcome: Whether the ticket met the total service-level handling time. One of the following values:
- unknown - The configured total handling time has not yet arrived
- met - Tickets that were closed before the configured total handling time arrived
- overdue - Tickets that were open when the configured total handling time arrived, whether they are now open or closed
- NA - SLA tracking is not enabled for the workflow
slastatus: The ticket's current SLA status. One of the following values:
- OK (in addition to tickets that have not yet changed status, all closed tickets have this status, even if outcome is Overdue)
- Warning
- Alert
- Escalation
- NA (SLA tracking is not enabled for the workflow)
sourceDomain.name: The domain of objects used in the source of an access request (For Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only)
status: Ticket (not task) statuses as one of these values:
- in_progress: Ticket is in progress, at least one task is assigned
- rejected: Ticket rejected by handler
- resolved: Handling is completed but awaiting requester verification
- cancelled: Ticket cancelled by requester
- closed: Ticket completed, as verified by requester
stepname: The current step or task of the ticket
subject: The subject entered by the Requester
tasksname: The name of the current task, when dynamic assignment is used
taskstatus: One of these task status values:
- waiting_to_be_assigned: Task has been assigned and waiting for user to take ticket
- assigned: Task assigned to a user
- waiting_for_more_info: Handler has requested additional information from user and is waiting for an answer
- done: Ticket contains multiple tasks, where at least one task is done and at least one task is still to be completed
- invalid: Task cannot be assigned as there is no valid handler. For example, handler deleted or configured to be on Out of office
- pending: Task still being calculated
- pending_license: Ticket contains targets that are not licensed for SecureChange. The ticket cannot advance in workflows until the license status is resolved
updatedate: The date the ticket was last modified
workflowname: The name of the specific workflow the ticket is following