
GraphQL mutations allow you to update TOS data. For example you could modify zone mapping or add a security zone to a USP.

The following types of mutations are available:

  • RiskAnalysisMutation: Create a USP risk analysis task.

  • RuleOperationsMutation: Creates a ticket draft in SecureChange

  • RuleUserDataMutation: Update the description, technical owner, or automation attributes, or to create, delete, or update tickets associated with a single or multiple rule

  • SystemMutation: Creates, deletes, or modifies a system, or root device. For example, you could add a device to an existing system.

  • UserTQLSearchMutation: Create, update, or delete TQL queries.

  • UspMutation: Creates, deletes, or modifies USPs. For example, you could add a zone to a USP

  • AlertConfigMutation: Creates, modifies, or deletes USP alerts.

  • UspExceptionMutation: Creates, modifies, or deletes USP Exceptions.

  • ZoneMappingMutation: Adds, modifies, or deletes the mapping of SecureTrack network zones to a device.

Mutation Example

Modifying Zone Mapping

The following mutation adds the security zone zone-1 to the device device-1.

mutation {
  zoneMapping {
    updateMappings(input: {
      deviceId: "device-1",
      interfaceId: "interface-1"
      mappingType: ROUTE
      zonesIds: {action: ADD, securityZoneId: "zone-1"}

Modifying USP

The following mutation adds the Zone zone-1 to the USP myUSP.

mutation {
  usp {
    addSecurityZonesToUsp(input: {
      uspId: "MyUSP",
      securityZonesIds: ["zone-1"]
    resultStatus {