Changing IP Addresses/Host Names

Change Primary Data Node

Changing the primary data node's IP address or host name requires reinstalling TOS Aurora. Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a full backup
  2. Export your backup and place it in an offline location
  3. Uninstall
  4. Change the IP using nmtui, as described in the install procedure.
  5. Change the host name, replacing <mynode> with your preferred name:

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <mynode>
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <mynode>
  6. Reinstall TOS Aurora
  7. Import your backup
  8. Restore

Change Nodes

Changing a node's IP address or host name requires removing and re-adding the node. This applies to all nodes except the primary data node.

  1. Remove the node.

  2. Change the IP using nmtui, as described in the install procedure.
  3. Change the host name, replacing <mynode> with your preferred name:

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <mynode>
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <mynode>
  4. Add the node.

Change VIP Addresses

To change your primary VIP address, tos cluster primary-vip set

To change syslog vip addresses, see Syslog VIP Addresses

Change Pods/Service Networks

Changing the pods/service networks requires reinstalling TOS Aurora. Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a full backup
  2. Export your backup and place it in an offline location
  3. Uninstall
  4. Reinstall TOS Aurora with new pods and service network configuration
  5. Import your backup
  6. Restore

The /etc/hosts File

Once TOS has been installed, any changes to /etc/hosts may cause malfunctions unless TOS is restarted.

  1. Stop TOS

    1. Run the command:

      [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo tos stop
      sudo tos stop

      This process may take time.

    2. Check that all processes have been stopped successfully. Run the command:
    3. [<ADMIN> ~]$ watch -n 1 kubectl get pods
      watch -n 1 kubectl get pods

      A list of all pods is displayed.


    4. Wait until all the pods, with the exception of the service controller, ps-proxy, and reportpack pods, have disappeared from the list or reached a status of Completed. The service controller, ps-proxy, and reportpack pods which can continue running.

      All TOS processes are now stopped on all the data nodes in the cluster.

  2. Start TOS

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo tos start
    sudo tos start