Move etcd - New Non-Cloud VM

The etcd database should be on a separate disk to improve the stability of TOS Aurora and reduce latency. Moving the etcd database to a separate disk ensures that the kubernetes database has access to all the resources required to ensure an optimal TOS performance.

This procedure is only required for data nodes running: TufinOS 4, Rocky Linux 8 or RHEL 8.

This procedure must be performed by an experienced Linux administrator with knowledge of network configuration.

This procedure is for a stand-alone environment with a single data node. If you have a high availability deployment, see Move etcd - HA Non-Cloud VM.

Preliminary Preparations

  1. Switch to the root user.

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo su -
    sudo su -
  2. Non-TufinOS VMs only. Install the rsync RPM.

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ dnf install rsync
    dnf install rsync
  3. Find the name of the last disk added to the VM.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# lsblk -ndl -o NAME
    lsblk -ndl -o NAME

    The output returns the list of disks on the VM. The last letter of the disk name indicates in which it was added, for example: sda, sdb, sdc.

  4. Save the name of the last disk in a separate location. You will need it later for verification purposes.

Mount The etcd Database to a Separate Disk