Managing Connections - Search Terms

  • text1 text2 - Shows all connections where both text1 and text2 are found in any of the fields listed below (excluding the status and ticket fields)
  • "text1 text2" - Shows all connections where the exact text specified is found in any of the fields listed below (excluding the status and ticket fields)
  • application identity:<text> - Shows all connections where the name of an application identity of a connection contains the specified text, for example: applicationidentity:adobe
  • comment:<text> - Shows all connections where a connection comment contains the specified text, for example: comment: added by sam
  • status:<Connected |Disconnected |Calculating|N/A> - Shows all connections where a connection matches the specified status, for example: status:N/A
  • destination:<text> - Shows all connections where the destination IP, destination name, or destination comment of a connection contains the specified text
  • name:<text> - Shows all connections where a connection name contains the specified text, for example: name: database link
  • service:<text> - Shows all connections where the service IP, service port, service protocol, or service comment of a connection contains the specified text
  • source:<text> - Shows all connections where the source IP, source name, or source comment of a connection contains the specified text
  • ticket:<True/False> - Shows all connections that have open or rejected tickets (true) or do not have open or rejected tickets (false) in SecureChange, for example: ticket:false