Configure LDAP Vendor Attributes for SecureTrack

The configure_ldap_vendor_configuration script is used to configure the LDAP vendor attributes.

You can:

You can create a shell file with a list of commands, where each command configures a different attribute.


The add_or_update action:

  • Creates the specified vendor if it does not exist and adds the specified attribute.
  • Creates the specified attribute for an existing vendor.
  • Updates a value for an existing vendor.

    kubectl exec -it deploy/keycloak-service -c keycloak-service -- manage_keycloak -r set_ldap_configuration -v '<vendor_name>' -a 'add_or_update' --attr_objective '<attr_objective>' --attr_name '<attr_name>' --attr_type '<attr_type>'
    kubectl exec -it deploy/keycloak-service -c keycloak-service -- manage_keycloak -r set_ldap_configuration -v '<vendor_name>' -a 'add_or_update' --attr_objective '<attr_objective>' --attr_name '<attr_name>' --attr_type '<attr_type>'

Supported Arguments



--action add_or_update

--action delete

add_or_update: Adds a new value or updates an existing value

delete: Deletes an existing value

--vendor '<vendor_name>'

The vendor name that is displayed in SecureTrack: Settings > Configuration > External Authentication > LDAP Authentication > Server Type


An attribute from the list of LDAP server attributes

--attr_name '<attr_name>'

The name of the LDAP server field that corresponds to the attr_objective

--attr_type '<attr_type>'

Supported attribute types:

  • string
  • binary

Sample Code

  • For the Active Directory vendor, update the mail attribute name to the string "mail":

    kubectl exec -it deploy/keycloak-service -c keycloak-service -- manage_keycloak -r set_ldap_configuration -v 'Active Directory' -a 'add_or_update' --attr_objective 'mailAttributeName' --attr_name 'mail' --attr_type 'string'
    kubectl exec -it deploy/keycloak-service -c keycloak-service -- manage_keycloak -r set_ldap_configuration -v 'Active Directory' -a 'add_or_update' --attr_objective 'mailAttributeName' --attr_name 'mail' --attr_type 'string'