Saving and Managing Interactive Map Search Path Queries

You can use the Path Query panel to view recent queries, save a query, and manage your saved queries. Click in the Select query search box to display the 50 most recent queries:

Save a Query

  1. Click Path Analysis > Manage queries.
  2. Enter a Query Name (required), Description (optional), and the traffic details of devices and cloud platforms for the paths you want to investigate, including the Source, Destination, and the (lowercase) service / application identities (See predefined service and predefined application identities.)

    The query fields are validated:

    • Query name: Unsupported characters and duplicate query names
    • Source and Destination: Firewall object (host, subnet, IP range, LDAP user, or group) or IP addresses
    • Service/Application Identity: List of predefined services and application identities

  3. Click Save.

    The saved query appears in the Query list.

Manage Queries

Click Path Analysis > Manage queries to view the traffic details of a specific query, and to edit and delete saved queries:

View or Edit a Saved Query

  1. Enter text in Filter queries list or select the query from the list.

    The traffic details appear.

  2. Edit the query fields.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Saved Query

  1. Enter text in Filter queries list or select the query from the list.
  2. Click Delete label and confirm the Delete Query action.

View Results of a Query

  1. Type in the Select query search field and select the query you want to run.

  2. Click Find Path to display the query results.

How Do I Get Here?

  1. In SecureTrack, go to Map .
  2. Click .