

SecureChange Requester This topic is intended for SecureChange handlers who are responsible for processing change requests.

Your Tickets table displays tickets assigned to you and groups that you are part of. At a glance, you can view your tickets status. You can also create and save queries.

To use the Tickets page, you must have permission to View Tickets tab and handle tickets. See Configuring and Assigning User Roles.

What Can I Do Here?

View ticket data

Configure the table columns to display any of the following categories:

  • Priority

  • SLA

  • ID

  • Subject

  • Step

  • Duration

  • Business Duration: See note below.

  • Handler

  • Requester

  • Notification Group

  • Referenced Ticket

  • Workflow

  • Date Opened

  • Last Update

  • Date Closed

  • Expiration Date

  • Comments

SecureChange calculates the Business Duration of all open tickets each hour, regardless of when any individual ticket was open. This can lead to inaccuracies of up to one hour in Business Duration calculation.

Add/Remove Columns from Table Display

From the top right corner of the screen, select

The column options appear.

Select the columns you want to appear in the Tickets display:

  • Column names with a gray box cannot be removed from the table.

  • Use to drag column names to change where they appear in the table.

    Multi-domain environments include an option for a domain category.

Refresh ticket view

Click Refresh to re-run the ticket search and refresh the results.

If the system detects that the results are outdated, this icon indicates that a refresh is required - .

Filter tickets by saved search

Click the drop-down arrow next to Saved searches. Your saved queries and groups appear.

To save a new query, see Search for Tickets.


To see tickets assigned to a group, you must be a member of the group. In addition, the group must have the permission Group members can handle tasks assigned to other members.

See Group Ticket Handling.

Search for Tickets

Click New Search.

To run a free text search, enter your query in the search bar. Click .

See Working with Free Text Search for syntax help.

Save a Free Search Query

To save the search query, choose Save from the Actions menu.

To use the detailed search tool, click . The detailed search dialog box appears.

Enter your desired criteria and click Search.

The Tickets search results shows up to 10,000 tickets. If more results exist, an indication appears.

Adjust table columns

To adjust the width of each column, drag the column dividers.

Sort tickets

By default, the tickets are sorted by ID. To sort the tickets by another criteria, hover your mouse over the relevant column heading until an arrow appears. Select the arrow to sort the tickets.

View Ticket Details

Click the link in the Subject column to view the ticket details.

For tickets with multiple tasks: You can also expand the drop-down list in the Status column to see the relevant tasks. Select a task to view its details.

The ticket details appear.

From this view, depending on your permissions, you can manage the ticket as it moves from step to step in the workflow.

View comments

When a Requester adds a comment to an assigned task, the task assignee will see in the Comments column of their Tickets page.

The task assignee can click the icon in the Comments column.

The Comments window appears.

From the Comments window, view the comment and reply.

How Do I Get Here?

SecureChange > Tickets