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Free Search Predefined Fields
Predefined fields for Free Search are as follows. For details of the correct syntax, see Free Search Syntax Rules.
assignedGroup: Group to which the ticket is assigned.
assignee: Task handler to whom the ticket is currently assigned or who can accept the ticket.
businessDurationExceedsHours: Query results will show all tickets whose business duration is equal or larger than the specified number of hours. To change the definition of business hours, see Customizing SecureChange Operations.
createdate: Date the request was submitted
closedate: Date that the request was marked as closed, rejected, or cancelled.
currentAssignee: User name of the user to whom the ticket is assigned.
destinationDomain.name: Domain of objects used in the destination of an access request (for Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only).
domain.name: Domain in which the ticket was created (for Multi-Domain Segregated mode only).
- expirationdate: Expiration date set for the ticket.
Only closed tickets with unrevoked expiration dates are found.
fielddesc: Description field of a user-defined field in the ticket.
fieldname: Name of a user-defined field in the ticket.
fieldtype: Type of a user-defined field in the ticket.
fieldvalue: Value in a user-defined field in the ticket.
handler: All open or closed tickets in which the specified user requested a change to this rule, handled at least one workflow step, or is currently assigned to a ticket step .
id: Ticket ID number.
priority: One of the following values:
- Critical
- High
- Normal
- Low
referringTo: All open or closed tickets that refer to the ticket ID specified in the search.
requester: User who submitted the request.
sdDomain.name: Domain of a Decommission Network Object request (for Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only).
slaoutcome: Indicates whether the ticket met the total service-level handling time. Possible values include:
- unknown: Configured total handling time has not yet arrived.
- met: Tickets that were closed before the configured total handling time arrived.
- overdue: Tickets that were open when the configured total handling time arrived, regardless of whether they are now open or closed.
- NA: SLA tracking is not enabled for the workflow.
slastatus: Ticket's current SLA status. Possible values include:
- OK (in addition to tickets that have not yet changed status, all closed tickets have this status, even if outcome is Overdue)
- Warning
- Alert
- Escalation
- NA: SLA tracking is not enabled for the workflow.
- slaTrackingState: Whether the SLA's progress calculation has been paused. Possible values:
- Paused
- Running
- NA: SLA tracking is not enabled for the workflow.
sourceDomain.name: The domain of objects used in the source of an access request (For Multi-Domain Interconnected mode only)
status: Ticket (not task) status. Possible values include:
in_progress: Ticket is in progress - at least one task is assigned.
rejected: Ticket rejected by handler.
cancelled: Ticket cancelled by requester.
closed: Ticket completed, as verified by requester.
resolved: Ticket resolved.
stepname: Current step or task of the ticket.
subject: Subject entered by the requester.
tasksname: Name of the current task when dynamic assignment is used.
taskstatus: Task status. Possible values include:
waiting_to_be_assigned: Task has been assigned and waiting for user to take ticket.
assigned: Task assigned to a user.
waiting_for_more_info: Handler has requested additional information from user and is waiting for an answer.
done: Ticket contains multiple tasks. At least one task is done and at least one task is still to be completed.
invalid: Task cannot be assigned as there is no valid handler. For example, handler deleted or configured to be on Out of office.
pending: Task still being calculated.
pending_license: Ticket contains targets that are not licensed for SecureChange. The ticket cannot advance in workflows until the license status is resolved.
updatedate: Date that the ticket was last modified.
workflowname: Name of the specific workflow that the ticket is following.
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