Open Policy Model


The Tufin Open Policy Model (OPM) is an SDK that allows monitoring firewall devices that are not supported out-of-the-box by TOS Aurora. OPM is an abstraction layer that models device properties, routing, and security policy rules.

To add support for a device that is not supported out-of-the-box, ask your account team to involve Tufin Professional Services. Tufin PS will investigate whether an OPM agent can be developed that identifies the information that TOS Aurora needs in order to see and use your device.

How Does it Work?

The OPM agent serializes relevant device changes and reports them to TOS Aurora. All the supported features such as Rule Viewer, Violations, and Topology will be able to support all OPM-modeled devices.

The OPM architecture includes the device, an OPM Agent, and TOS Aurora.

  • Device: Physical device that the customer wants TOS Aurora to monitor, for example a standalone devices or a managed device.

  • OPM Agent: Software that connects the device to the TOS Aurora server by converting device language to OPM language that TOS Aurora understands.

  • TOS Aurora Server: Server where TOS Aurora runs.

To connect an OPM device to SecureTrack, see Device Viewer.

OPM Feature Support

The following table shows the TOS Aurora features that are supported depending on what was developed in the OPM Agent:






Use Case

Policy Management




Path Analysis

Automation Design

Automation Verification



check mark Device Viewer

check mark Rule Viewer

not supported General Reports

check mark Permissiveness

check mark Violations

check mark Best Practices Report

check mark Rule History

not supported Business Ownership Report

not supported Rule Usage

not supported Rule’s Objects Usage

not supported Shadowing Rules

not supported APG

check mark Network Path Analysis

check mark Security Path Analysis

not supported Access Request - Adding Access

not supported Access Request – Decommissioning Access

not supported Modify Group

not supported Rule Decommissioning

not supported Decommission Network Object

not supported Clone Network Object

not supported Rule Modification

check mark Access Request - Adding Access

not supported Access Request – Decommissioning Access

not supported Modify Group

not supported Rule Decommissioning

not supported Decommission Network Object

not supported Clone Network Object

not supported Rule Modification

not supported