Ticket Query Reports


To review progress on your SecureChange tickets, you can create reports. You can review the reports immediately or schedule the reports to be sent either to SecureChange users or to specified email addresses. After you define the report, you can run the report on-demand and export the results of the report to an Excel file for further analysis.

The ticket query report displays up to the last 500 tickets.

Configure a Ticket Query Report

  1. From the Reports page, you can:

    • Create a new report: Click New Report (below the Reports list) and enter the name in the Report name text box that appears in the top of the window.

    • Edit a report: In the Reports list, hover over a report and click Edit:

      edit report

  2. In the Define tab, select a type of search format:

    • Free search: Search for a phrase in ticket content or field values, including boolean operators and wildcards, according to the Free Search syntax.

    • Detailed Search: Select the search criteria from the available fields.

  3. In the Schedule tab, define when the report runs and is sent to specified recipients.

  4. In the schedule type, select one of these options:

    • None: Removes schedule.

    • One-time event: Select the day that the report is sent and the time (hours and minutes).

    • Daily: Select the time (hours and minutes) each day that the report is sent.

    • Weekly: Select the days of the week and the time each day (hours and minutes) that the report is sent.

    • Monthly: Enter the days each month (separated by commas) and the time each day (hours and minutes) that the report is sent.

  5. Enter the recipients that receive the report:

    • SecureChange users: Click Users and select the SecureChange users to send the report to.

    • Other users: Enter the email addresses (separated by semi-colons) of recipients to send the report to.

  6. Click one of these options:

    • Run Report: see the results immediately

    • Save & Close: save the settings so that you can run the report later

Report Search Fields

How Do I Get Here?

SecureChange > Reports