Creating or Editing a Unified Security Policy Alert

To create or edit an alert:

  1. In SecureTrack go to Audit > Compliance > Unified Security Policy Alerts.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click to create a new alert.

      The New Alert dialog appears.

    • Click to edit an existing alert.

      The Edit Alert dialog appears.

  3. Fill in the desired information:
    • Name
    • Status - Click the Active or Inactive button to toggle the alert status.
    • Description
    • Devices - Select the devices for which this alert will be triggered.

      Click to open the Add Devices dialog. Add the devices for which this alert is sent.

      If multi-domain mode is enabled, the Domain field appears, which lets you filter the devices for a specific domain.

      You can enter text to filter the available and selected devices.

    • Severity - Select one or more violation severity levels that will trigger the alert.
    • Recipients - List all alert recipients:
      • SecureTrack Users - Click to add SecureTrack users
      • Email - Enter a list of semi-colon separated email addresses
      • Syslog - Check to send the alert to the Secure Track Syslog Server configured in Settings > Configuration > Notifications > Configure Servers
  4. Click .