Monitoring Server and Device Status

The Status page is available only to Administrators.

In the Status page, it is possible to see the status of each SecureTrack server (Central server, Distribution servers, and Remote Collectors), and of each monitored device. With management devices, the status is taken from the managed firewalls, which on other words means that if there is at least one managed firewall with the status “Expired”, the management device will also have the status Expired, and will be disabled.

To activate the management devices:

  • Ensure that a valid license is attached to all managed firewalls

  • Disable the unlicensed firewalls

  • Remove the unlicensed firewalls from SecureTrack

After a new revision is pulled from the expired device, the entire device tree will be disabled

What Can I Do Here?

  • Stop or start the SecureTrack process for any monitored device.
  • Disable a device to make its license available to another device. After disabling the first device, restart the second to see the license applied to it.
  • Hover over the device status to see details of the status of the device


How Do I Get Here?

In SecureTrack, go to Settings > Administration > Status.