Setting Network Types for Risky Rules

The risks in Risky Rules are defined by source and destination network-types. For example, if a rule allows HTTP or HTTPS from the DMZ to the internal network, it is labeled as a risky rule.

SecureTrack can either use Topology Intelligence to calculate what networks are Internal, DMZ or External automatically for these risks, or you can specify zones that are Internal, DMZ or External. In order to specify zones, you must first create zones (in Network > Zones) and add subnets to the zones.

To change the definition of Internal, DMZ or External network types for Risky Rules:

  1. Go to Risk.
  2. From the menu, select General.
  3. Under Risky Rules, select either:
    • Topology to let SecureTrack define the network types based on topology intelligence
    • Zones to manually define the network types using zones, and select a zone for each of the network types: Internal, DMZ, External
  4. Click Save.