Managing Expired Tickets

SecureChange Requester This topic is intended for SecureChange handlers who are responsible for processing change requests.

You can use the expiration date to track, change or remove access to make sure requests are recertified for:

  • Cleaning up access that is needed for a limited time
  • Re-justifying access as part of an organizational policy of periodic access review

Tracking expired tickets

To track ticket expiration for closed tickets, you can:

  • Receive automatic notifications before expiration
  • In Tasks and Ticket Query reports, search for tickets with expiration dates within a specified range
  • In Dashboard widget, view the expiration schedule graphically to see expiring or expired tickets by time and drill-down to the specific tickets

Recertifying expired tickets

When you view a ticket that has expired, the ticket is marked with a banner: expired icon. The banner shows you the actions that you can take to remediate the expiration:

  • Change the expiration date: Lets the requester or a handler delay the expiration to a later date.

  • Open request to remove access: Lets the requester or a handler use a Remove Access workflow to open a new ticket with the details of the expired ticket. The expired ticket shows a link to the ticket to remove access, and the ticket to remove access shows a link to the expired ticket.

    Before you can open a request to remove access, you must have an active workflow that was created from the Remove Access workflow template.

  • Ignore expiration: Lets a handler ignore the expiration date permanently so that SecureChange does not send notifications about it or include it in reports on expired tickets. The handler must have the Ignore the expiration date of a closed ticket permission.

    After you ignore the expiration, you must enter the reason for ignoring it. This reason is added to the ticket as a comment. The original expiration date is still shown on the ticket, but the banner is not shown on the ticket, no notifications are sent regarding the expiration and the ticket is not included in the expired tickets for reports or the dashboard.