Repairing Connections

After your connectivity is approved and is already running properly, there may be network changes that suddenly break a connection or a connection interface. For example, a new firewall rule might block a specific connection.

You can revert changes made to a server, service or group. Deleting a server, service, or group cannot be reverted.

To quickly repair a connection:

  1. Detect the connection to be repaired:
    • The Business Owner receives a "Blocked connection notification" - An automatic email alert with information on the date and time on which the specified connection was blocked.
    • Any other user who is an editor of the application and has the following permissions may notice the broken connection and ask to repair it:
      • View My Requests and create requests - A user with this permission can create SecureChange tickets and follow the progress of the ticket in SecureChange > My Requests.
      • View SecureApp and access SecureApp applications - A user with this permission can view existing applications, configure application connections for applications that they own or for applications that they are an editor of.
      • View connection status - A user with this permission can view the connection status icon.
  2. Make sure these requirements are met:
    • The Access Request workflow is activated in SecureChange.
    • The disconnected connection meets these requirements:
      • The connection status is disconnected ().
      • At least one open ticket that requested access for this connection has been closed.
      • The connection was not edited since the last ticket that allowed it was approved.
      • There are no other open tickets for the application that includes this connection (to verify this, make sure the number of tickets in the ticket icon is zero: ).
  3. Repair the connection:
    1. In the Connectivity tab, choose one of the following depending on the connection type:
      • If this is a disconnected connection, go to and select Repair connection.

      • If this is a disconnected interface, click to repair it.

    2. In the New Request window, select the Access Request workflow and click Create.

      SecureApp creates a new request that is unique in two respects:

      • It concerns a specific connection (as opposed to all connections)
      • It requests to restore access that was previously granted (as opposed to approving all changes made throughout the application) - The Comment field asks to repair the connection with the specified name.

      Accordingly, the Access Request field automatically shows the details of the connection to be repaired.

The ticket is processed as part of the SecureChange workflow. If it is approved, the broken connection is restored.