Creating an Application or Application Pack


An application has properties, including name, owners, editors, and viewers. You configure the connectivity requirements that include all of the connections the sources, protocols and destinations of network traffic.

Application Packs

When multi-customer mode is set to interconnected, the business owner can create applications packs, which are a set of published connections to applications that are grouped together. Application packs let a business owner manage a related set of connections through a single group. For example, a business owner can bundle the connections to a DNS server, an authentication server, an Exchange mail server, and an internal database into an application pack. After the application pack is published, the customer connects to the application pack and gets connections that include all of the required connectivity.

The icons used to identify applications and application packs are:

  • - application
  • - application pack

To create an application or application pack:

  1. Navigate to the application inventory.
  2. Click . (For multi-domain mode, click .)
  3. Select or enter the following information:


    Value to enter or select

    (for multi-domain mode only)

    - for an application pack

    - for an application


    Enter the name of the application pack


    (optional) Enter a description


    (optional) If you have permissions to assign an Owner to the application pack, select the SecureApp user who will be responsible for the application.

    Select Editors or Viewers

    (optional) From the list of users, manage which users can edit or view the connections or resources.

    Filter the users displayed in the user list using the filter options displayed in the dialog.

  4. Click .

The new application or application pack opens. You can now manage its resources and connections.

To define application pack connectivity:

  1. Define a new application pack.
  2. Select the published application connections to include in the pack.
  3. Add a custom tag to each connection.
  4. (optional) Publish the application pack to make it available for reuse by other users.
  5. Monitor the application pack.