Input Validation

TOS validates data in many fields in SecureTrack and SecureChange such as user names and email address. If a field contains invalid information, you will not be able to create or modify the field until the invalid information has been corrected.

Field Requirement Max characters

Zone names (SecureTrack)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


Workflow Property First Name, and Last Name (SecureChange)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


Workflow Description (SecureChange)

Should not contain:

  • XML or programming language tags such as <SCRIPT>
  • HTML attributes, such as <div attr="...>
  • JavaScript URLs, such as


User Email address (SecureTrack)

Standard email address format ([email protected]).

  • Username supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # / = ! ^ $ * ?

  • Domain is a list of dot-separated DNS labels. Each label consisting of uppercase and lowercase Latin characters (A-Z and a-z), digits 0-9 provided that top-level domain name is not all-numeric, and hyphen (-), provided that a hyphen is not the first or last character.


Ticket subject (SecureChange)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


Phone (SecureChange)

Standard phone number format. For details, see RFC 3966. Cannot contain alphabetic characters corresponding to digits.



Cannot contain spaces



Should not contain:

  • XML or programming language tags such as <SCRIPT>
  • HTML attributes, such as <div attr="...>
  • JavaScript URLs, such as

New Object Source or Destination Comment (SecureTrack)

Cannot contain HTML code, JavaScript elements, XML, or programming language tags.


New Object Service Name (SecureTrack)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


New Object service CommentSecureTrack)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]

Cannot contain HTML code, JavaScript elements, XML, or programming language tags.


First Name and Last Name (SecureChange)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


Email (SecureChange)

Standard email address format ([email protected]).

  • Username supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # / = ! ^ $ * ?

  • Domain is a list of dot-separated DNS labels. Each label consisting of uppercase and lowercase Latin characters (A-Z and a-z), digits 0-9 provided that top-level domain name is not all-numeric, and hyphen (-), provided that a hyphen is not the first or last character.


User Name (SecureChange)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


User First Name and Last Name (SecureTrack)

Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]



Supports standard characters in all Unicode-supported languages, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: + - _ # @ . : / = ! ^ ( ) , [space]


Export Reports, User Name (SecureTrack)

Standard Unix user name format; standard characters, including digits 0-9, and the following special characters: _ -



Standard characters, including digits 0-9, the following special characters: . - and cannot start or end with a dash (-)


Root URL in Host

Standard characters, including digits 0-9, the following special characters: = ! ^ + @ # $ % & * + and must start with a /