SecureTrack Unified JSON Format

Before R19-1, Tufin had a separate format for JSONs list with a single element. These lists were returned from/consumed by our APIs as an object rather than an array with one element.

In R19-1 and later this behavior is different in all SecureTrack APIs. As of Release 19-1, source code no longer handles returned results differently depending on whether it is a single element or an array of elements.

In old code handling GET APIs this change will probably not be noticed, as the code section handling JSON arrays can now handle single element array. But if you were passing a single element array you will probably have to modify your code, as we now expect to get a single element array.


  • All String properties will be surrounded by double quotes, this includes strings that represent numbers like “device id” - check the swagger or postman documentation to find out what is the type of each property
  • Empty arrays that were omitted in previous versions, should now be included Two more remarks: These changes affect only the JSON format,​ the XML response should remain the same​ The SecureChange/SecureApp APIs are not affected by this change

These changes apply only to the SecureTrack JSON format;​ SecureTrack XML response and all SecureChange/SecureApp APIs are unaffected.