Manually Synchronizing Outside the Schedule


Occasionally, administrators may need to use IPAM Security Policy App (ISPA) to immediately map subnets to a SecureTrack domain (in a multi-domain environment) and zones, or provide an urgent report summarizing the current status of the subnets in SecureTrack. These tasks can be done by manually syncing with your IPAMs outside of the predefined schedule. When syncing, the app maps subnets to SecureTrack zones, which can be children of a parent zone. You can configure hierarchical relationships in ISPA and view them in SecureTrack.

Manual synchronizations are done separately for each IPAM solution. Only SecureTrack users with Super Administrator permissions can perform manual synchronizations.

Manually Synchronize with an IPAM Solution

In the Sync () menu, do the following:

  1. In the IPAM List page, click Sync.

  2. Select the domain to sync and click Sync.