Opening a Rule Modification Ticket in SecureChange

Vulnerability Mitigation App (VMA) enables you to open a Rule Modification ticket in SecureChange to modify rules by removing vulnerabilities. The Rule Modification ticket is handled by a Rule Modification workflow, which can be fully automated by creating a two-step workflow. The first step automatically opens the ticket and the second step updates the rule in all relevant firewall devices and closes the ticket.

You can track the Rule Modification ticket in VMA in the Tickets () menu. Only SecureTrack users with Super Administrator permissions can open tickets in SecureChange.

Open a Rule Modification Ticket in SecureChange

  1. In the Rules menu (), select a rule.

  2. Click the Actions button (), and select Change rule by Rule Modification to open a ticket to change the rule to remove the vulnerability.

  3. Enter the following information:
    • Subject
    • Domain
    • Priority
  4. To create the ticket, click Continue.