What is Vulnerability Mitigation App?

To view the TOS Classic Knowledge Center for Vulnerability Mitigation App, click here.


The Vulnerability Mitigation App (VMA) is a Tufin extension (formerly Tufin Marketplace app) that helps your team identify and mitigate network exposure to vulnerabilities. By integrating with one or more vulnerability scanners, the app generates a list of firewall rules that could allow malicious actors to access your sensitive network assets using identified vulnerabilities. The app also ranks these vulnerabilities and exposed assets by criticality to help you prioritize mitigation efforts.

If you want to test proposed firewall rules against your vulnerability dataset, click here to learn more about the Vulnerability-based Change Automation App (VCA).

Benefits for SecureTrack+ Subscribers

  • Provides a list of assets exposed to vulnerabilities and the relevant firewall rules, ranked by criticality

  • Prioritize vulnerability mitigation efforts

  • Provides a tangible metric on security risk across time

Benefits for SecureChange+ Subscribers

  • All benefits listed for SecureTrack+ subscribers

  • Enables you to configure workflows that mitigate critical vulnerabilities on a fully-automated or semi-automated basis