Welcome to Workflow Integrator

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Workflow Integrator (WI) is a Tufin Tufin Extensions (formerly Tufin Marketplace) application that simplifies the process of integrating SecureChange with external third-party systems, such as Information Technology Service Management Solutions (ITSM).

With this app, you will be able to automate much of the manual work in your change process. You can automatically update SecureChange with information from any system (that uses REST APIs) and then communicate changes made in SecureChange to that system. For example, you can send requests to an ITSM to close tickets that have been completed/rejected in SecureChange, allowing you to track ticket completion and SLA performance in both the ITSM and SecureChange (additional configuration will be required though in both SecureChange and the ITSM system).

The communication between SecureChange and WI and between WI and the ITSM solution is done using SecureChange REST APIs. All communication can be secured using both HTTPS and certificates. With WI, you can reduce the amount of custom code that needs to be produced, which will save time, reduce errors, and increase the overall level of customer satisfaction.

Although, WI is intended primarily for creating integrations between SecureChange and ITSM systems, it can also be used to create integrations with any product that can communicate using REST APIs.

There are multiple options for defining how the integration will work, allowing you to control the timing of the integration (before, after, and during a step, as well as general event triggers) and define various use cases, including the option of integrating with multiple vendors in a single workflow.

With WI, you will be able to communicate information from SecureChange such as:

  • Ticket data (ticket ID, comments, topic, requesters, assignee, handlers)

  • Various tool results (Designer output, Verifier output, Risk Analysis output)

  • Ticket fields (ticket request data, drop down fields content, text box data)

In addition, when creating the integration connections within WI, you will be able to define custom emails that can be triggered as actions that WI will perform before the API request is sent to the ITSM or after the response is received.

The precise use cases will vary per vendor category and the available REST APIs.