Security Risk Report

The Security Risk report provides the security policies with violations. It bases the list on predefined tests for risky rules and compliance with organizational security guidelines. The report also calculates a Security Score, and tracks its trend over examining every registered SecureTrack firewall.

You can configure the report to test for violations of any of the predefined tests for risky rules, and of any of the risk management Compliance Policies configured in SecureTrack. You can set the Security Risk report to automatically include risk management Compliance Policies configured in the future, as well. You can define policy rules to be excluded from specific tests.

For Check Point devices, if multiple policy packages are used for different gateways, you can select packages per Installation Target group. The report will contain a section for each selected package.

You can run the Security Risk report:

  • Manually
  • Automatically on change events so that the report includes new and resolved risks
  • Schedule a report to run periodically

The report includes:

  • Test results (pass fail) and detailed violation for each configured test
  • Security Scores provides the FW security level (percentage)
  • Graphs that track the trend of Security Scores from previously generated report results and from Security Scores calculated automatically on an event

    The Security Score represents passed tests relative to total configured tests. If you change the configuration of the report, the score may change even if the tested policies do not change.