
Proceed only if...

  • You have executed all the steps leading up to the tos install command and the install has completed successfully.

Otherwise, go back.

In this step you will:

  • Run a series of verification checks to ensure the upgrade from TOS Classic to TOS Aurora was successful.

Verification Checks

Checks on Central (Main) Cluster Only

Perform these checks only if you have just installed a central cluster.

  1. In your browser, go to URL https://<IP>, where <IP> is your primary VIP for on-prem or load-balancer IP/domain for cloud deployments.

    The TOS Aurora login page will appear. If not, check that you are using a supported browser.

  2. Log into TOS Aurora with an admin user/password that you have been using until now for TOS Classic. If a warning message is shown regarding the site security certificate, 'accept the risk' and continue to the site.

Checks on Central and Remote Collector Clusters

Perform these checks in all cases.

  1. Get root privileges.

    Either use your own password,

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ sudo su -
    sudo su -

    or use the root password (RHEL/Rocky Linux only),

    [<ADMIN> ~]$ su -
    su -
  2. Check tos status.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# tos status
    tos status

    Everything should appear OK. If any errors are listed, check the logs of the pods / databases specified in the error.

  3. Check for errors by running tos status history.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# tos status history
    tos status history

    Everything should appear OK. If any errors are listed, check the logs of the pods / databases specified in the error.

  4. Check for errors by running tos report.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# tos report
    tos report

    Everything should appear OK. If any errors are listed, check the logs of the pods / databases specified in the error.

  5. Check Kubernetes status.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# systemctl status k3s
    systemctl status k3s

    Check that two lines - loaded and active - appear.

  6. Check Kubernetes pod status.

    [<ADMIN> ~]# kubectl get pods
    kubectl get pods

    All pods will be listed.

    If there are pods with a status other than running or completed, this indicates a problem

    Check that all pods have all their containers ready. Ready containers are displayed as m/n where m is the number of ready containers and m is the total number of containers in the pod. If m and n are the same value for a pod (e.g. 1/1, 2/2, 3/3) all of its containers are ready. If you see values like 1/2, 2/3, and a pod status of ready, this indicates a problem.

  7. If problems were found with the pods in the previous check, get more information:

    [<ADMIN> ~]# kubectl logs -f <POD NAME>
    kubectl logs -f <POD NAME>
    [<ADMIN> ~]# kubectl describe pod <POD NAME>
    kubectl describe pod <POD NAME>

Congratulations, your TOS Aurora installation was successful. You can now continue with the configuration.