Customizing SecureChange Operations

Sever DNS


  • Dashboard polling interval: How frequently the dashboard is updated with new ticket information
  • Index tickets now: Manually force the database to re-index tickets
  • Server DNS Name: Delete the default value that appears in the field Server DNS name. Enter a value for Server DNS name - the DNS server to use for links in email notifications. This can be an IP address in the format or a FQDN in the format The SecureChange DNS name is published by SecureChange so it can be accessed from external sources. For example, it is embedded in notification mails sent by SecureChange, which include a link to a ticket, such as an email notifying a handler assigned with a task, or informing a requester that the ticket has been successfully resolved.
  • Ticket expiration period is limited to: You can set the maximum amount of time that a user can set for the ticket expiration.
  • Allow non-continuous netmask: You can let users enter IP addresses that use a non-continuous netmask, such as


SecureChange tickets can be tracked by Business Duration, which is the total amount of working hours that a ticket has been open for. The default definition of working hours is Monday - Friday from 09:00 - 18:00.

If a working day is defined as 9 hours (as in the default), then a ticket that is open for 9 hours will appear in the Tickets table as 1d.

You can customize the definition of a working day by adjusting the parameters on the screen.

  • Weekdays: Check the days that will be considered work days.

  • Daily business hours: Specify the hours that will be considered working hours.

  • Non-business days: Click Download for a CSV file. Enter all annual company non-working days, such as Christmas. All dates must be entered in the yyyy-mm-dd format. The CSV file only supports alphanumeric characters and '-'.

    When finished, click Upload and choose the CSV file you just created.

How Do I Get Here?

SecureChange > Settings > Miscellaneous