Adding and Updating a Generic Device


In the Map, you can add the interface and routing information for a router that is not monitored by SecureTrack, also called a generic device. When you add a generic device, the topology calculations include the interfaces and routing for the device. The generic device is shown in the Map and you can click it to see the interface and routing information for the device.

Cisco Device

Before you add a Cisco generic device, you must run show ip route and show ip interface from the device's CLI and save the output of both commands to a text file, as shown in the sample file. Also include the show standby command in order to include the HSRP information.

Non-Cisco Device

Before you add a non-Cisco generic device, you must prepare a text file with the interface and routing information and save the output in the format shown in the sample file.

Generic MPLS VPN Device

When you add the generic device, you upload the prepared file to SecureTrack. Because the generic device is not monitored, if the information changes you must prepare the file again and re-upload it.

If you have a multi-domain mode enabled:

  • Segregated domains: each domain has its own Map, and the device should be added to the relevant domain.

  • Interconnected domains: The device should be added to the Global Map, and then can be added to other domains.

What Can I Do Here?

Add a Generic Device

  1. Click > Add generic device.

  2. Enter the name of the device.

  3. Click Browse to select the interface and routing file for the device

  4. Click Add file.

  5. You can repeat these steps to add multiple devices at one time.

  6. (Optional) Select Synchronize and update topology now to update the map with the new generic devices.
  7. Click Save.

    The Map is recalculated and includes the generic devices.

Update the Name or Interface and Routing File for a Generic Device

  1. Click the device in the Map.

  2. Update the device information:

    • Edit the name of the device.

    • Click Browse and select the interface and routing file for the device.

  3. Click Save.

    The new information appears in the Map.

Delete a Generic Device

  1. Click the device in the Map.
  2. Click Delete.

    The generic device does not appear in the updated Map.

How Do I Get Here?

SecureTrack > Map