Configuring Step Properties

Workflow Owner This topic is intended for SecureChange workflow owners, who are responsible for creating and maintaining workflows.

When configuring workflow steps, you can configure step properties for each step in the workflow (click on a step and click on the Properties tab):

  • Change the name and description of a step - Edit the name and description fields of the step.
  • Allow the requester to set the request priority (First step only) - Select Define request priority so that the priority levels are shown when a user creates a request.
  • Allow the requester to add attachments (First step only) - Select Add attachments so that the user can add attachments to the request when the user creates a request.
  • Allow the requester to use group notification (First step only) - Select Use group notification so that the user can select a group to receive notifications.
  • Set a step to run workflow tools automatically and move to next step (Not available for the first step) - In the step mode options, select either Manual or Auto.

    Server Decommission workflows do not support Auto steps. Instead, you can run the workflow tools through the Server Decommission Rest APIs.

    If you select Auto the following automatic step actions are available; The actions available may vary per vendor.

    • Suggest target - If the target of the access request is not specified, SecureChange adds a target based on SecureTrack policy and topology information. (Only available for workflows that use topology)
    • Run risk - Runs risk analysis so that its results are ready for the next handler.
    • Run designer - Designs the changes required to implement the requests

      • Update policy/device - Applies and implements the Designer changes (Supported devices only)
      • Assign to handler - The ticket is assigned to a handler after Designer runs and before the ticket moves to the next step. (This option cannot be enabled with Update policy/device or Run verification)
    • Run verification - Verifies if the access request is already configured in the current policy revision.

    After you save the step, an A is shown on the step tab to indicate that it is an automatic step.

    If there is a pending license issue for a target device in a ticket with an auto step and there is no default handler assigned (for example, if the task is configured with Self-assigned mode), the auto step does not complete and the ticket is placed in the Tasks list with the status "waiting to be assigned" .

    If there are automatic steps that require "Commit-Now" that include Designer results, but the provisioning process was unable to successfully save the policy changes, the automatic step will fail and the workflow will not be completed.


How Do I Get Here?

SecureChange > Workflows > Create a workflow > Step Name > Properties tab
SecureChange > Workflows > Click on the name of a workflow > Step Name > Properties tab