Keeping Track of Your Requests

SecureChange Requester This topic is intended for SecureChange requesters, responsible for creating change requests in SecureChange.

The My Requests window allows displays information about all your SecureChange change requests.

You can click on a request to view its details in the bottom of the screen. Click / to hide/show the request details section.

When you view a ticket that has expired, the ticket is marked with a banner: expired icon. The banner shows you the actions that you can take to remediate the expiration:

  • Change the expiration date - Lets the requester or a handler delay the expiration to a later date.

  • Open request to remove access - Lets the requester or a handler use a Remove Access workflow to open a new ticket with the details of the expired ticket. The expired ticket shows a link to the ticket to remove access, and the ticket to remove access shows a link to the expired ticket.

    Before you can open a request to remove access, you must have an active workflow that was created from the Remove Access workflow template.

My requests

What can I do on this page?

  • Filter the requests displayed - Filter the list displayed with the Show menu, selecting from All, Open, Closed, or Need attention.

  • Create a new request - Click to create a new request.

  • Duplicate or resubmit the request - Click to resubmit or duplicate the request.

  • Cancel a request - Select the request and click .

  • Add a comment - Select the request, and click in the request details section.

    Comment request

  • Confirm that a request is complete - Click the icon in the last column to confirm any messages from a ticket handler about the status of your request.

Priority Icons for SecureChange

The possible ticket priorities are:

tickets search results



tickets search results



tickets search results



tickets search results



You can hover over the priority icon to see a description of the priority.

Status Icons

The possible ticket statuses are:

tickets search results

Ticket is in progress.

tickets search results

Ticket has been rejected (by the handler).

tickets search results

Ticket has been canceled (by the requester).

tickets search results

Ticket is on hold until an action is performed.

tickets search results

Ticket has been resolved and waiting for confirmation.

tickets search results

Ticket is closed.

You can hover over the status icon to see a description of the status.

How Do I Get Here?

SecureChange > My Requests