Generic Field Types

Workflow Owner This topic is intended for SecureChange workflow owners, who are responsible for creating and maintaining workflows.

When you configure workflow steps, you can select one or more of the following generic field types which are available in all workflow types.




Approve / Decline

Approve/Reject radio buttons and Reason: text area.

Reject marks ticket as rejected

Approve Decline

Check box

Standard selection box; field name becomes check box label

Check box


Calendar input


Drop-down list

Selectable option list. During field configuration, enter options. Click plusto add another option.

You can sort the list as entered or alphabetically.

Drop-down list


expiration date

expiration change control


Text field that automatically includes: http://

Hyperlink field


Input for email address of requester's manager. Include this field in the first step for manual Manager Assignment.


Multiple selection

One or more labeled check boxes

Mulitple selection

Network object

Multiple input types

Network object


Multiple input types

Service protocol


Firewall device, browsable from SecureTrack; or 'Any'

Target field

Text area

Room for multiple lines of text input

text area

Text field

A line of text input

text field


Hour and minute input


Changes made via certain APIs to the contents of workflow field types (for example, Access Request, Approvals, Modify Group, Server Decommission, Rule Decommission, Rule Recertification, and Clone Server Policy) are passed to subsequent steps and are not reflected in earlier steps of a workflow. This behavior affects APIs such as Update fields with ticket task and Modify Designer suggestion parameters.