Scheduling Data Synchronizations with Vulnerability Management Solutions

Vulnerability Mitigation App uses vulnerability management solutions to correlate network-based vulnerabilities. After you connect to them in the Settings menu, you need to define the schedule according to which Vulnerability Mitigation App automatically synchronizes with the vulnerability management solutions to collect the data on your exposed assets and exploitable rules.

For each vulnerability management solutions, you can define: how often the synchronization is repeated, on what days of the week and times it should be performed, and which vulnerability severity levels should be retrieved.

Only SecureTrack users with Super Administrator permissions can schedule synchronizations with vulnerability management solutions.

The synchronizations with the vulnerability management solutions are scheduled in the Sync menu ().

If you prefer to schedule a synchronization manually, see Manually Synchronizing Outside the Schedule.

Schedule Synchronizations with Vulnerability Management Solutions

  1. You can search for an IP of one or multiple assets from SecureTrack, excluding the vulnerability information from the vulnerability management system

  2. In the Schedule column of the vulnerability management solution, click on the Setup link.

  3. The schedule settings are displayed.

    1. In the Repeats drop-down menu, select the how often the synchronization with the vulnerability management solution should be performed: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly (synchronization is performed on first day of month).
    2. If you selected weekly, in the Days of the week options, select on which days of the week, the synchronization should be performed.
    3. In the Time field, enter the time on which the synchronization should be performed.
    4. Click Save.
  4. In the Severities column, select the vulnerability severity level (and above) that should be retrieved.

  5. If you want to filter out rules with the Any object in the destination or a specific text string in the comments, click the filter icon ().

  6. (For Nessus Professional only) If you are scheduling a sync with Nessus Professional, select the scans which Vulnerability Mitigation App should use to collect the data. These scans are created and run in Nessus Professional. When syncing, Vulnerability Mitigation App will collect the most recent results from the selected scans.

Repeat these steps for each vulnerability management solution.