Asset Grouping


In asset grouping, you can define logical grouping for your cloud assets so that they can be viewed in SecureCloud as a hierarchy of groups in the cloud graph.

What Can I See Here?

a1, a2, a3 environment:prod prod:tier1
a4, a5 environment:prod prod:tier2
a6 environment:prod prod
a7 tier:tier1 tier1
a8 environment:dev dev:tier2
a9, a10 No environment or tier tags, but they have other tags instead Default

Assets appear in the cloud graph and asset graph as a hierarchy of groups. The default hierarchy is account > virtual network > subnet > assets. You can change this hierarchy at any time in asset grouping, cloud graph, or asset graph and immediately see the change reflected everywhere. This is a global setting that affects all users.

Options for hierarchy levels include:

  • Account
  • Vendor
  • Virtual Network (includes Azure, GCP, and AWS)
  • Subnet
  • Region
  • Tags: Select one or more tag keys from the list. SecureCloud applies a logical AND between the tags.

Each group can be used no more than once in the hierarchy, except for tags.

What Can I Do Here?

Change Asset Hierarchy

  1. In the asset hierarchy section, click .

  2. Modify as required:

    • To change the group at any level, click the desired level and select an option from the list.

    • To remove a level, click the X on the appropriate level.

    • To add a new lowest level, click Add a level and select the appropriate group.

  3. Click Save.

How Do I Get Here?

Main Menu > Asset Grouping