Asset Profile Page

Vulnerability Mitigation App provides you with a comprehensive view of the vulnerability status of your network. From a holistic view your entire network in the Home menu to a detailed breakdown of critical zones, exploitable rules and exposed assets.

Detailed information on individual assets can be viewed in the Asset Profile page, which provides you with a comprehensive breakdown of the security status for each specific asset.

This page allows you to gather additional information, which you may need to prioritize which assets should be removed using SecureChange, and which assets should be remediated through patch management.

The Asset Profile page can be accessed from:

  • The Assets menu, by clicking on the link to the asset.
  • The Rules menu, by clicking on the link to the asset.
  • The Zones menu, by clicking on the Assets link, and then the link to the asset.

The Asset Profile page includes the following sections:

  1. Asset Details: Additional details on the asset - indicator if app is monitored by SecureTrack, number of network-based vulnerabilities detected, name and severity level of the vulnerability management solution, and synchronization date.
  2. Untrusted Access: Indicator if app is exposed by the internet or untrusted networks.
  3. Vulnerabilities by Severity: Network-based vulnerabilities by severity type for the asset.
  4. Rules: Percentage of exploitable rules in asset from all exploitable rules detected .
  5. Vulnerabilities: Detailed information on the asset's network-based vulnerabilities.
  6. Zones: The critical zones in which the asset is included.
  7. Devices: The nearest network security enforcement points.
  8. Rules: Table listing all the rules containing services that can be used to exploit the vulnerable asset. This is the same as the Rules menu.

In addition, you can use this page to: